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After total knee replacement surgery, patients are monitored for 1–2 hours until the anesthesia wears off. Depending on the specific type of surgery performed and the patient’s overall health and recovery, most patients remain in the hospital for several days after the procedure.

Prescription pain medication usually is used to relieve postoperative pain.

Several therapies are used soon after knee surgery to encourage circulation in the leg and prevent blood clots. These therapies include the following:

• Compression boots that wrap around the lower leg and expand and contract to apply gentle pressure
• Continuous passive motion (CPM) machine that gently moves the leg while the patient rests in bed
• Movement of the foot and ankle while resting in bed
• Medication to thin the blood
• Elevation of the leg for short periods of time

In many cases, a physical therapist consults with the patient the day after knee replacement surgery.Physical therapy involves movements and exercises to help the patient adjust to the new joint and gradually begin to walk again.

Recovery after Knee Replacement Surgery

Before being released from the hospital, patients should make sure they are aware of warning signs that might indicate blood clots or other potentially serious complications. After knee replacement surgery, patients should seek immediate medical attention if any of the following develop:

• Chest pain
• Shortness of breath
• Sudden increased swelling, pain, redness, or tenderness in the lower leg

Much of the success of total knee replacement surgery depends on the patient’s willingness to follow his or her surgeon’s instructions during the recovery period. Pain is normal for several weeks after the surgery and usually is treated with medication. Postsurgical pain usually subsides after a few weeks of rest and strengthening exercises.

Surgical wounds should be kept clean and dry until area heals. Patients should avoid soaking (e.g., in a bath) for about 6 weeks after total knee replacement surgery. If redness or swelling occurs near the incision, the surgeon should be contacted immediately.

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