What is Sore Throat?How It can be Prevented?
A sore throat is a scratchy, painful feeling in the back of the throat. If one has this soreness, swallowing becomes difficult, and feels discomfort while talking.Usually symptoms typically go away in a few days on its own.
What does a it feel like?
A sore throat may start with a raspy feeling in the throat, as if the throat is dry. It may also feel like a burning sensation. If it gets worse, the patient may feel a sharp pain in his throat when swallowing. Pain can radiate to the ears and neck as well.
Causes of sore throat.
Mostly they happen because of a viral infection, like the common cold or flu.
- Bacterial infection: Strep throat and bacterial sinus infections are examples of this type that may cause soreness.
- Allergies: Allergic reactions to pollen, dust mites, pets, or mould can make a patient’s throat dry and scratchy.
- Tonsillitis: The tonsils are two small lumps of soft tissue at the back of the throat. They trap the germs that make patients sick.
- Acid reflux: Patients with a condition called gastroesophageal reflux feel burning and pain in the throat. This pain is called heartburn. It happens when acid from the patient’s stomach backs up into the oesophagus.
- Overuse or irritants: Eating spicy food, smoking, or drinking very hot liquids are other reasons.
- Mouth breathing: Elders may have a sore throat if they breathe through their mouths instead of their nose when they are sleeping.
What can I do for my throat?
- A patient caretaker can give tea with lemon and honey. It will help reducing throat dryness and scratchiness.
- Adding moisture to your environment, such as a humidifier, particularly in the patient’s bedroom.
- Patients should rest as much as possible, including eight hours of sleep at night.
- Take precautions from those who are sneezing or coughing.
Weeheal is providing patient care and elderly services at home in Mohali and Chandigarh. To know more. Kindly contact us at 9056667111.
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