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Bed sores Management at Home.Caretaker at home.

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  • Bed sores Management at Home.Caretaker at home.

Bed sores Management at Home.

Bed sores management at home needs to be done by professional Nursing staff .They develop if a patient spends a long time in the same position. It affect colour and texture change in the skin. Bedsore can develop into open wounds that carry a risk of infection. They can develop anywhere, but the bony parts of the elbows, knees, heels, tailbone, and ankles are often more sensitive. Without treatment the sores can in the end lead to expected complication for the patient so regular check of patients body should be there.


Stay in  one position for longer duration can develop pressure sores. They often form in bedridden patients so it is mandatory  to change their position.Our patient care takers are fully aware that what is the role of change in position in bed ridden.


1. Spend a lot of time sitting in a chair or lying in bed.

2.  Wear a prosthesis or surgical appliance.

3.  Wear ill lifting shoes or clothing with elastic.

Symptoms of Pressure Sores

• Colour changes: Dark skin may become bluish, purple or shiny. Light skin may turn pink or red or it may darken.

• Texture change:  The area may feel hard or spongy and warm.

Broken skin: There may be a shallow, open sore with fluid or pus in it. The wound may extend into the deeper layers of tissue.

• Infection: Signs include a change in colour or sensation around the edge of the sore, the pressure of more pus, green or black tissue around the sore. 

 Bed Sores management at home remedies.

Relieve pressure: Medical attendant should make use of foam pad or pillows because it will help to prop up affected areas.Best example in cases of bed sore management.

Clean the wound: Patient Caregiver should wash pressure  sore with water, mild soap.Open sore with a saline solution.

Apply dressings: Trained attendant can protect the wound and hurry healing.

Weeheal is providing patient care and Nursing services at home in Mohali and Chandigarh. To know more. Kindly contact us at 9056667111.